The Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception (CFIC) is a religious Congregation founded in Italy on 8th September 1857 by Blessed Luigi Maria Monti. Bl. Luigi was a religious brother who dedicated his life for caring the sick and educating the poor and needy youth. He founded CFIC under the patronage of Mother Mary Immaculate for actualizing his mission of caring and educating the needy youth. At present, the Congregation is present with this mission around 22 countries including Italy, Argentina, Bolivia, Peru, India, Cameroon, the Philippines, Canada, America, France, Germany, Australia, Korea etc. Following the footsteps of Bl. Luigi Monti, the members of CFIC in India are dedicating themselves in various charitable activities like caring the sick and needy, educating the youth etc. in different parts of India. St. Mary’s English Medium School is one of those Institutions of CFIC in India. St. Mary’s School was established in the year 2000 at Maria Bhavan Campus which is an educational complex of CFIC.