Admission Procedure
Applications for admission in the prescribed form should be filled by the parents and submit in the office. Admissions from I-IX based on entrance examination in English, Malayalam, Hindi, Mathematics, Science and Social. Those who come from other schools should produce transfer certificate at the time of joining. Those who join Class I should produce birth certificate obtained from Municipal/Panchayath authorities. Only children who have completed 6 years as on 1st June of the year of admission will be admitted to Class I
- Admission is made on written application in the prescribed form duly filled and signed with birth certificate or TC. The forms may be had from school office on payment Rs. 100/- each. Registration of name is no guarantee for admission
- Age of admission shall be regulated as given below. The student should complete 6 years on 1st June of the school year in which admission is sought for Class I. For other classes age of admission shall be regulated accordingly.
- The management reserves the right to refuse admission to any applicant without assigning any reason. Admissions are valid only on production of TC
- Tuition fee and bus fee for the first term shall be paid in advance at the time of admission. Tuition fee for the complete year shall be paid irrespective of the number of days one has attended. All dues should be cleared before the examinations. Defaulters will not be allowed to write the examinations. Fees once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances.
- All students who seek admission will have to satisfy our entrance requirements and they should pay the preliminary fees when they are admitted.
- Applications for TC should be forwarded to the Principal by the parents one week in advance.TC will be issued only after few days on receipt of application.
- After withdrawing from the school minimum notice of one week is to be given for the issue of TC.
- No certificate of any kind will be issued to students who are in arrears of fee.
- Pupil who fails for two years in succession will not be kept in the school. Students who fail for the annual examination in 2 consecutive years will be forced to take Transfer Certificate from the school.
- A minimum attendance of 85% is compulsory for promotion.
- Failure to take part in any examination will adversely affect the promotion.